If your air conditioning in St. Paul, MN, is not operating up to par, that could be due to a number of reasons. Ducts require regular maintenance to keep in good shape, especially if you want to keep your home clean and free of dust, mold, and allergens.

Cleaning Your Ducts

Sometimes ducts are just dirty. If this is where your problem lies, a good cleaning should be sufficient. If you are able to reach everything yourself, and if there is no mold, vermin, or anything else that could be dangerous to you, you can go ahead and do a quick cleaning yourself. Turn off the air system, remove the vent covers, and vacuum everything out. Then you can wipe down the vent interior with a wet rag, and then clean and replace the covers. However, if you have anything living in the vents, if you can’t access them, or if you have any other situation that feels like more than you’re equipped to handle, you may want to call in a professional.

Repairing Your Ducts

There are a few other common vent problems that do not require you to fully replace them. For instance, older flexible ducts are prone to rips and tears, and since the insulation inside is often made of asbestos, you may need that insulation replaced before your ducts are resealed. When getting new insulation, you’ll get the chance to upgrade your system. You can look at the latest materials which have anti-microbial lining to keep contaminants from sticking to your ducts. Some even have dense weave or heat resistant jackets to further protect your system.

Replacing Your Ducts

If your problems with your air conditioning in St. Paul, MN, simply cannot be addressed by any other means, then it may be time to think of replacing your ducts. There could be many reasons for this, such as the fact that certain duct materials cannot be properly cleaned. If these materials get mold growth, that is a hazardous situation, and the ventilation will need to be switched out in order for you and your family to avoid contamination. In such cases, find a trusted company with a good reputation to do your work. Not only is this a major undertaking, but the replacement work must be done exactly right in order to avoid contaminants like mold spreading throughout the house. You need to know that you’re working with a trustworthy service to have any peace of mind.