Heating & Cooling Blog
Thermostat or Air Conditioner? Summer Cooling Costs and Upgrades
With the warm weather on the horizon, do you need a new thermostat? If you're not sure whether you need to upgrade this key HVAC accessory, take a look at the top pre-summer season questions to ask right now. How Efficient Is Your Air Conditioner? Does your thermostat...
4 Problems From a Clogged HVAC Air Filter
The air filter is one of the easiest components of an HVAC system to maintain, but it is also one of the most often overlooked. Failing to perform monthly maintenance on your air filter can affect your heating and air in more ways than many homeowners realize....
Tips for Best Placement of an Outdoor AC Unit
A split air conditioner (AC) has a condenser unit that sits outside the house. Poor placement of the condenser unit has far-reaching consequences. Consider these critical factors so that you can place the condenser unit in the best place in your home. Flooding A...
4 Signs Your Central Air Conditioner Needs Service
Your central air conditioner is an appliance you depend on almost every day during the summer months. Unfortunately, your air conditioner will suffer wear over time and eventually need to be repaired. Here is an overview of four signs that your air conditioner is in...
No Ducts, No Problem: An AC Solution for Your Home
If you are tired of sweating through the warm season because your home does not have AC, there is a solution that will not require expensive and invasive duct installation: a ductless cooling system. A ductless cooling system can be the answer you are looking for when...
Do You Really Need That New Furnace? Questions to Ask First
Are you ready to replace your home's furnace? If you can't answer this question with complete confidence, take a look at what you need to consider before you invest in a new heating system. How Old Is Your Furnace? While age doesn't always predict the end of a...
Shopping for a New Furnace? 2 Features You Might Appreciate
If you are like most people who are in the market for a new furnace, you might assume that one heating appliance is a lot like any other. However, HVAC technology has improved dramatically over the years, and the furnace industry is no different. Here are two new...
Get More Life out of Your Aging HVAC System
HVAC systems are expensive to replace. So what do you do when your HVAC system starts to fail, but a brand new one just isn't in the budget? An HVAC system can last up to twenty years, and you can do things to extend its life. Here are a few tips to get your aging...
A Few Reasons to Consider Radiant Floor Heating
Many homeowners worry and stress about their home’s heating system. You have a number of options for keeping your home warm during the cold season. You may choose to use fossil fuels such as oil or gas, electricity, wood, or pellets, or you could choose to use the...
Why You Should Add a Humidifier to Your Home
You have an HVAC system in your home to maintain a comfortable temperature for everyone. However, you may not have considered the humidity of the air in your home. Regardless of the humidity outside, a humidifier added to the HVAC system in your home has many...