There are many benefits to getting a zoning system adding to one’s HVAC in Minneapolis. For example, a zoning system can increase the home’s energy efficiency, save money, and make the home more comfortable for all the household members. Because of these benefits, many people are having them installed in their homes. They may be easiest to install in a new home, but that doesn’t mean that older homes should feel left out. That’s right! We can install a zoning system in an older home. In order to do this, we’ll need to add the following parts to their HVAC system:


The thermostat is used to control the temperature in any given room. More likely than not, you already have one installed in your home. You use it on a regular basis to determine the current temperature in your home, and you adjust it when you want your home warmer or cooler. The thermostat sends a signal to the HVAC system to tell it to turn on or off, as needed.

Of course, most homes have one thermostat that controls the entire house. When we install a zoning system, it may require multiple thermostats throughout the house. This allows homeowners to control the temperature of each room or zone in the house.

Zone Control Panel

The brain of the zoning system is the zone control panel. It communicates between the thermostats, dampers, and other HVAC equipment. When one thermostat is turned up, the zone control panel will tell the HVAC equipment to spring to life and send the heat where it needs to go. This is typically installed near the furnace in older homes.

Zone Dampers

Zone dampers are located in the ventilation system. They control the airflow to the zones. They are wired to the zones through the control panel. They will open or close automatically based on the information sent from the thermostat. If the homeowners turn the heat on in the family room and not in their bedrooms, the dampers for the bedrooms will close as the heat is sent to the family room in order to warm up the house.

Bypass Damper

Not every home’s zoning system will require a bypass damper. These are used to prevent air pressure from building up in a particular zone. Air pressure issues typically stem from poor ventilation, but it can lead to health problems for members of the household. When installing the system in a home, our professionals will survey the system and determine whether or not a by-pass damper will be required to help make the most of the zoning system in that home.

When installing a zoning system for your HVAC in Minneapolis, there may be some complications for working with older homes. It’s important to have one of our contractors come to your home to survey the current system and determine what steps will need to be taken in order to get the system where it needs to be. Then, we can make a plan to add the parts needed in the zoning system. Once everything is in place, you can enjoy the many benefits that a zoning system can provide for your home and those living in it.